Password problem

August 3rd, 2016

Everytime I now close my firefox I have to re-login on every site.
Before I would stay logged in.
What could the problem be?

Answer #1
Make sure firefox is not set to delete cookies and saved offline info upon closing .
tools > options > privacy > untick clear data upon close
Answer #2
I never changed anything there, it has something to do with the recycle bin. I removed my recycle bin from desktop and then got this error.
Answer #3
its not ur recycle bin .. someone used ur pc for porn i guess and tryed to clean the hystory and ticked “clear data upon close” do what treeortree says. u be fine
About ur Recycle bin disapering just right click on desctop => personalize => change icons => Tick Recicle bin.. => done
Answer #4
This was just happening to me. Are you on xp or vista? Ill give you the steps once you reply
Answer #5


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