Parabolic antennas

August 2nd, 2013

I have one of these:
Three questions:
1. How are they called in english, cause I can;t find any info on them anywhere
2. How do I watch the channels? What kind of receiver does it need?
3. I guess some channels come encrypted, how do I watch those? and I dont mean Free-To-Aair channels. Cause you can even watch those online

Answer #1
We would refer to it as a Satellite Dish.
You watch channels that are provided by the SatCom provider. It needs a receiver that is provided to the paying customers of said SatCom provider.
You can only watch them using the compatible converter box supplied by the SatCom company.
Generally, the Satellite company supplies both the “dish” antenna and the converter.
I don’t think there is a way to hack the providers orbiting satellite with your own antenna and a “black box”.
Answer #2
Most satellite dishes for pay TV are a lot smaller than the one in the photo.
That one looks like it would be more for commercial use or to reach more distant satellites.
Remember that a satellite can carry all sorts of data including broadband internet.
An article on Satellite TV here..
Answer #3
1. They are called C-band fta dishes. More commonly BUD for Big Ugly Dish
2. U need FTA receiver that supports C-band to watch the channels.
3. Most channels are encrypted depending on the satellite, although if you are lucky u can find open feeds or even paid channels.
If you want to watch encrypted channels, u need to purchase a special receiver and reprogram the hardware to support card-sharing. However, I doubt u will be able to view encrypted C-band channels. Card sharing is usually used with small dishes to get channels from residential pay tv services.
Useful sites:

Answer #4
this satellite dish rotates to tune in any satellite I want. I would still need what you said, right?
so, these C-band channels come encrypted and the only to view them is how?
edit. I am interested in all the channels I can get, but especially Japanese channels… nhk anyone??
Answer #5
RAIn59 replied: 1. They are called C-band fta dishes. More commonly BUD for Big Ugly Dish
FINALLY their name man!!! I love you!!
edit. Are there any receivers that can control the rotation of the antenna?
Answer #6
errtu replied: RAIn59 replied: 1. They are called C-band fta dishes. More commonly BUD for Big Ugly Dish
FINALLY their name man!!! I love you!!
edit. Are there any receivers that can control the rotation of the antenna?

Almost any receiver that supports c-band will support motors. You can also buy an actuator controller for this if the receiver does not support this.
Answer #7


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