January 22nd, 2020

Hello all,
So here’s the thing I have an american N64 as well as a load of US games for my Dreamcast. I took my lovely NTSC capable tv to my house abroad thinking (ignorant & stupidly) “oh my hd tv should support NTSC”…. Well apparently it doesn’t. I have tried something along the lines of this product:
No joy though….
Could anyone suggest a product they’ve had success with?
PS. My DC uses the arial lead (ie not scart) so might need two products (N64 uses scart).

Answer #1
try a tv that support ntsc i had one issue with my ps2 ntsc,and i have a pal tv,if you have no luck,try contacting me ok?
Answer #2
I dunno if this helps but I too live abroad and used a Samsung WorldWide VCR to be the go between non-NTSC stuff to my NTSC TV. Below is the VCR I own…didn’t buy it from there, I’m just including it so you can see what it looks like.
I looked them up in Google and they’re not cheap…I paid about $450 for mine about 6 years ago, I don’t know how much they’re going for (if they’re even available) these days. I hope this info helps
Answer #3
Actualy thats quite clever ().
Think I might try that out as an idea.
To Yazzie, thanks but that was the problem I got rid of my tv that supported NTSC.
I have a 37″ hd tv that doesn’t support NTSC so wanted a way to still use the tv.
Thanks for the ideas guys.


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