No Happy holidays for me …Please help

January 22nd, 2020

I had my google account which was hacked
Actually my website got hacked and then my gmail account
My gmail account was connected to my orkut account
the hacker has changed the password ,alternate email adress and all security informations
I mailed google twice but got no reply
I have all the information as to who invited me ,…when i registered my account…the last sent mail …the last revceived mail everything
I am really devasted ….is there anyway that i can get my account back…as it has a lot of memories and personal details
Can i file a case???
Please help

Answer #1
There is nothing anyone apart from yourself can do, i suggest ringing google
Answer #2
I even tried that but they put me on voicemail…and i dont live in USA
Answer #3
Looks like you will have to pay for an internation call, or keep emailing them once or twice per day, to get there attention
Answer #4
Dont call.. Just email google support team
Answer #5
I did mail them twice already…but no replies till now
Answer #6
Email is only hope for you now….best lk
Answer #7
Call them and try emailing them again because in such cases that is all their is left to do.
Good luck.
Answer #8
thank you….m trying
Answer #9
if you have set up an alternate email then it’s time to use it get the password back


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