need help putting L.E.D. lights on my bicycle

January 29th, 2020

you know, the foot powered bicycle.
i’ve seen some led light kits on ebay, but i still have no clue, i want these lights “@ least 3 different colours”, to be shining on the ground as i pedal around @ night.
and obviously i’ll need some kinda battery pack and a way to connect them up.
has anyone done this before and can offer some advice??
maybe u know of a kit for under $40.00 that is ready to go?

Answer #1
Its pretty easy. Get some L.E.D’s and wire them into series, tape then to your bike and connect it to a 9volt battery! Easy!
Answer #2
if you have $40 then just get a normal bike light with l.e.d
I dont realy know, but i think that LED lights will cost alot, so what you need to do is goto all the bike shops in your area and look at the prices.
if you cant, then goto ebay and look em up..
I realy dont know what your confused about.. You say you want three colours.. so? do you want to have the lights to be safe at night or to look cool… or both?.. Because if you didnt already know “COOL” Products almost always cost more just because they are cool..
Its pretty easy. Get some L.E.D's and wire them into series, tape then to your bike and connect it to a 9volt battery! Easy!
Its not that easy, because you have to go and get all the things you need like wire, led’s (they areant always cheep if you want the good ones) and it would be a good idea for it to be water proof… secondly, he has to know wtf to do..
NEXT he has to make a package, and he only has 40 bucks… so if he screws up, then hes screwed.
Answer #3
Its pretty easy. Get some L.E.D's and wire them into series, tape then to your bike and connect it to a 9volt battery! Easy!
correct no need to pay $40 when u can built it on ur own.
Answer #4
why build your own when you can buy one for a few bucks!
Answer #5
yeah, i want it to look cool, i dunno.. i just thought i could strap some led’s to wires and connect to a battery…
from ‘s response, i guess thats all.
i take it “the source” (formerly radio shack) shop here in hamilton might have them, other than that, i dont know any shows that would sell them.
so all i do is buy the tiny led thingy, attach them to a set of wires, then gerry-rig it to a battery?
Answer #6
Do you have a soldering iron?
Answer #7
why build your own when you can buy one for a few bucks!

nothing like that!
i already have 2 led’s that attach to my valve stem’s on my tires, but they’re dull and boring, even though i get alot of looks.
i want at least 10 small led lights all around my bike frame, to shine on the ground as i pedal down the street.
Answer #8
i can easily get a soldering gun and wire soder at canadian tire,
i need one anyways to replace the capacitor on my computer subwoofer
Please, use the EDIT button instead of double posting!
Thanks ~ hecos

Answer #9
ok dude… if you want something COOL that isnt Dull, then you may need a little more than 40 dollars! because for a REALY bright led it can cost like 10 dollars…
so if you got 10 led’s that wud cost 100 dollars just for the led’s! But if you have 10 REALY bright leds with a little colour, it wud look REALY bright, and cool.
but i dunno, i havent seen the price of leds lately.. things change
Answer #10
most of the leds on ebay, people say they go for $4 each. well, maybe 10 is too much.. but at least 5 leds, cause my frame isnt that big really.
front shocks,rear shock, underneath seat, on both pedals… and thats really it i think… maybe one more somewhere…
so yeah, only 5 are needed, otherwise to colours will bleed into each other tooo much.
as for the wiring, i can put the wiring in a waterproof sheath, and same with battery.
dont really need to worry about lights getting stolen, unless they wanna tear the whole thing apart.
and i can use them plastic straps that COPS use instead of handcuffs.
so the set-up may look ugly during the day with them wires running everywhere, but @ night…..
maybe i can even set them to blink at different speeds
i’ll shure be taking pictures of this set-up to show u guys for ur help in setting it up.
Answer #11
k…. so, what you need to do is look around.. once you find some leds u like, do some research.. Find out if the person that has the leds on ebay can be trusted, by looking around at their other trades.. see if you can find coments posted by others, if u know wat i mean?…
Lets say that you got some good led’s.. you wud need to get some thin wire and just tape it around your bike with tape that is the same colour as your frame..
actualy, first you would need to mesure the wire out onto the bike, and get all the peices of wire that you need… then solder them together at the right places..
If i was you id get a rechargable baterry too. unless you dont have a charger or cant buy one.
Answer #12
ok, but they sell them things for putting tons of wires through, like a tube sort of thing, alot of offices have them, then strap that to bike and probally put the rechargable battery on or near handlebars.
might see about getting a timer thing so it sets them to blink and such.
so i guess thats it??
get the leds, solder them to normal everyday wire “speaker wire”??
run the wires to either a control point, or straigh to a battery… how would i hook up to a battery “AA” sizes. (cause i dont have a charger that takes 9V batteries), just AAA,AA.
Answer #13
Its pretty easy. Get some L.E.D's and wire them into series, tape then to your bike and connect it to a 9volt battery! Easy!
correct no need to pay $40 when u can built it on ur own.

Answer #14
yup, im just checking out “the source” now
seems like they got everything i need, and cheap too!!!!!
might go elsewhere for the led’s themselves, but i’m going down there today, so i’ll ask a worker directly if their leds are superbright.
Answer #15
I built a Led Flasher circuit with a 555 timer and then hooked up alot of bright blue Led’s
Only cost about 15 Dollars but it did take some time soldering all the parts and getting it set up.
Answer #16
~ censored ~ the LED’s get neon’s LOL!
Answer #17
this is just what i won on ebay::
and the guy told me, i can easily hook it up to normal batters by using this:::
i still might get NEON once i get the hang of connecting stuff.
oh wait, UV=blacklight= NEON!
Answer #18
A easy way. I had a few LED’s from a friend. Got a Battery which looked kinda like this
And do this
—— ————/————–/———–/
/ /————–/————–/———-/
-(_)-(_)- !zzzzzzzz !! zzzzzzzzzz!! zzzzzzzz!!


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