Need help fixing a friends computer

August 6th, 2013

I´m hoping that I could get some help here. I have a friends computer that is not showing anything on the monitor. I have tried the monitor plugged into my laptop and it works fine. I came to the conclusion that the D-Sub input on the motherboard is broken. So I found a working ATI graphics and installed that in the MB but I´m not able to tell the BIOS that I have installed a new card because I can´t see what is on the screen!!!! I was thinking of changing the BIOS settings without seeing what is on the screen but I can´t find any screen shots of this MB BIOS setting.
Here is a link to the MB AM2
Does anyone have this? Would really like it if you could tell me EXACTLY how to change the graphics device.

Answer #1
Are you sure the computer boots at all?
Do you have the system speaker plugged in?
Answer #2
When I was first asked to look at the computer I knew it was booting because the screen would work, but then wouldn´t work every so often. Now it has totaly stopped. I would assume the speaker is plugged in but I´m not hearing any beeps on boot.
Answer #3
that happened to a buddy of mine once. replaced the graphics card and if the graphics card is functional it should work. does he have integrated graphics? if thats the case youll have to replace the motherboard as integrated graphics arent fixable. if not integrated try this.
first take out your ram and start the system “always take the main cord off the case before touching anything
on the motherboard”
if the system start making some “beep” its good news so put back your ram .if you don’t ear nothing ,maybe there is no case speaker or your motherboard might have a problem.
Answer #4
Are you sure the computer boots at all?
does the HDD activity light flicker or do you hear windows startup sounds
try using the “reset_CMOS” jumper on the mobo to reset the BIOS
got another PSU to try
Answer #5
If you’re not hearing any beeps it usually means you have other issues and the computer is not booting. This thread may help tho it’s a bit old.


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