Mobile phone call answering

August 12th, 2013

I have got a LG-Optimus P-698 android phone. When ever a incoming call comes I have to slide the call attend button from left to right to attend the call. This a cumbersome procedure and sometimes even requires two hands. Is there any easy alternate method or a software to over come this difficulty? Thank you in advance.
In this phone it is also difficult to recall the last attended incoming or out going call.
Any solution for this please.

Answer #1
The only way i can see you overcomming this is if you root your phone and get a custom rom
Answer #2
R00t and change to an custom ROM.
This Site should help you with that
Custom ROM’s have various features for you to change the locksceen, call answering etc
Answer #3
Thank you all. Sincerely
Answer #4
Use RocketDial Its one of the best Android Software i have ever used !


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