Microsoft Word help

January 24th, 2020

Hi everyone,
Im applying for jobs and I have a few references written on word from my former employers, but they are very basic looking, could someone please spend a few minutes looking at them and making them a little more ‘professional looking’?
Is anyone experienced with this and could spare me a few minutes of your time? I would be eternally grateful! http://~ Dead file host ~/files/3821379894/Backstreet%20Cafe%20Reference.docx
http://~ Dead file host ~/files/1270907804/Macs%20Mace%20Deli%20Reference.doc
http://~ Dead file host ~/files/671723432/The%20Palace%20Bar%20Reference.doc

Answer #1
If you change a reference then it stops being a reference; even just a cosmetic change makes it not a real reference.
I would certainly not employ someone if I found (perhaps by talking to the reference people) that they had changed a reference..
All you need worry about is YOUR work, your CV and job application.
They don’t take into account the quality in the third party’s reference production – just the CONTENT of the reference, re YOU..
Answer #2
I agree, to an extent, but in this case these references are literally put together under a very short space of time under the pretext that I would edit them to look more professional, so I dont see any problem with it, Im not changing the context of the reference at all, just simply the physical appearance. If I have no problem with that and my former employers who have written the references and unfortunately arent PC savy otherwise they would do it themselves, and it aids me in getting employed, whats the harm?
Answer #3
RS have changed their policies FYI. Newly uploaded files have no download permission
by default (You have to manually enable it) so I can’t download em! Either fix it or use another host, I recommend this one:
Set that aside, I think your over-thinking it!
Your prior job experience is not half as important as you might think!
References are only secondary to likeability and it doesn’t matter that
they’re not perfectly-worded or look sloppy as long as they contain accurate information and
as long as your former employers can confirm it when asked. At the end
of the day, It all comes down to whether the employer will like/dislike you. It’s not just about having the skills and being a good employee, It’s about
how you are perceived on the personal level (That’s the ultimate decisive factor)
If the employer will dislike you for whatever reason, You are guaranteed not to get hired!
So instead of trying to improve those references, I suggest you focus on making a good
first impression! Here’s some guidelines:
Answer #4
Hi ,
Thanks a lot mate, your to my rescue once again, here are the links reuploaded as you suggested, just a note they are from different employers so it would be great if they didnt all look exactly the same, with regard to layout, font etc.
Answer #5
I agree, to an extent, but in this case these references are literally put together under a very short space of time under the pretext that I would edit them to look more professional, so I dont see any problem with it, Im not changing the context of the reference at all, just simply the physical appearance. If I have no problem with that and my former employers who have written the references and unfortunately arent PC savy otherwise they would do it themselves, and it aids me in getting employed, whats the harm?
I wasn’t trying to be nasty there – just pointing out that your next employer won’t care about the quality of the reference, just what’s in it.
If they care about the quality then they are not an employer to want to be with – they are taking into account the wrong things!
OK.. having said that..
if you open them up word, or if you don’t have it, try Libre office or AbiWord, or some other free word-a-like program.. or grab 2007 word portable from WBB.
Then just align the address as if it were a letter, then highlight the text body and apply a nice style to it, arial font, paragraph spacing.
Don’t make it look to “edited” – double spaced like a story submission, fancy fonts or fancy layout – it will look fake.
Space it and align it like a letter from your bank.
Answer #6
I’m sorry, But I’m not gonna help you improve your FAKE references!
I started getting suspicious when I noticed a lot of similarities in the layout & grammar.
Especially the endings:

If you require any further information, feel free to contact me.
If you require further information do not hesitate to contact me.
I may be contacted by phone on +xx if required.

Do you see a pattern here? Because I sure do! And what’s with the job being in Australia on *Backstreet Cafe Reference.docx* but the employer’s
contact info in the Netherlands? Looks very strange to me I also did some forensics on em with FOCA for confirmation, And it turned out I was right!
All documents were created from the very same computer (And just recently too!)
Here’s the report:
Better luck next time. LOL! Why did you had to fake em?
Answer #7
: not a problem, your right of course, but if you look at the references yourself youll see they are VERY basic, that is my only concern.
, as you would have read in my earlier comment, I already said they were emailed to me from my previous bosses and made in word so I could edit them as they are not computer savy. Backsteet cafe is a restaurant I worked in in Australia, and the head chef at the time was dutch (hence why he put down his dutch address, because he lives in Holland) as for the similarities in TWO sentences, that are probably the most common sentences in any reference, no I dont see a pattern here Heratio and I dont appreciate being called a liar!
Answer #8
I did read your previous replies, And you never mentioned that they were emailed to you (altho it was fairly obvious) but the forensic facts remain:
1. All documents were created by the same computer (Benjamin Ederer rings a bell?)
2. Two out of the three documents have the exact same creation/modification times (Which means they were saved once and never edited)
Macs Mace Deli Reference.doc
Creation date   02/04/2013 18:18:00   
Modified date   02/04/2013 18:18:00
The Palace Bar Reference.doc
Creation date   02/04/2013 18:05:00   
Modified date   02/04/2013 18:05:00

3. One of the three documents was edited at least once:
Backstreet Cafe Reference.docx
Creation date   10/04/2013 01:24:00   
Modified date   10/04/2013 02:05:00

4. All documents were created this month!
You claim these so called “references” were emailed to you, So how do you explain it?
Forensics don’t lie!
Answer #9
Sorry about the late reply I was really just not bother about this anymore, all I wanted was some help, I created a new word document so I could edit it myself, here are the oringials, if you do some forensics on them youll see they were all created years ago (macs mace) by different computers in ireland and holland. Im not some mentalist making up an entirely new resume so I can apply for some stupid job Im just trying to make it look as good as possible.
Answer #10
You’ve uploaded the same PDF twice. Anyways, The word document was certainly not made *years ago*
John David Cooney.docx
Creation date 07/04/2013 15:53:00   
Modified date 07/04/2013 16:39:00   
Username Wes

I can’t tell the dates of the PDF as these are not as forensic friendly. It does look original, But I do find it quite strange that you provided a scanned copy as you previously mentioned the references were emailed to you and didn’t mention anything about having a hard-copy. Anyways, Your story still has a lot of holes in it so I’m gonna stick with my original opinion. But goodluck.
Answer #11
Any employer will probably only check references if they are considering to employ you, or have already employed you, perhaps on a trial basis.
If you don’t get shortlisted, or don’t make a good impression at interview, any references won’t be checked anyway. I’ve employed quite a lot of people over the years, and have only checked references on a couple of occasions, usually when there has been a large “gap” in previous employment dates – which usually means the person has either been unemployed, or in prison. If your references are genuine, you would be better keeping them in the original format rather than trying to make them look better. If your refences are to be taken up, they are usually just checked over the phone. Not sure if you are in N. Ireland or Eire, but here in the UK it is illegal to give a bad reference, however a lack of content does often point to a person who is not really any good, ie. just saying that a person was employed by them between two dates.
Answer #12
If you don't get shortlisted, or don't make a good impression at interview, any references won't be checked anyway.
I completely agree. That’s what I was trying to say on my first reply.
Answer #13
If you don't get shortlisted, or don't make a good impression at interview, any references won't be checked anyway.
I completely agree. That's what I was trying to say on my first reply.

I can see where you are coming from about the references being “fake”, however, the widely accepted etiquette for providing references are as hard copy at the end of an interview (or if given a job on the proviso that references will be checked) NOT by e-mail.
So your point about “forensics” (you can tell all of this just by looking at the files’ [preferences] *edit – I meant Properties/advanced summary) are moot anyway.
To be honest, I personally couldn’t care if the guy has faked them, he will be caught out if that is the case when the referees are contacted. In the past I have asked people for a reference or a letter etc, and they have told me to write it myself and they will sign it because they are too busy or lazy, lol.
Answer #14
: “but here in the UK it is illegal to give a bad reference”
It IS???
FFS!! what if your employee was a total person?
Answer #15
: "but here in the UK it is illegal to give a bad reference"
It IS???
FFS!! what if your employee was a total ~censored~?

Yup, it’s in the Employment Laws. It first started off as a guidance as employees/former employees can sue for getting a bad reference – after a few years it was passed into the laws. You are able to include any disciplinary actions etc.
I have given a “bad” telephone reference once a couple of years ago, I just said…”We employed xxxxxxx between such a date and such a date” – that was basically it, so the person at the other end knew something was wrong with the person.
Most employers will ask for two work references and one personal one.


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