Merging two routers?

August 5th, 2016

Hi all,i was wondering can i conenct two wifi routers without lan cable somehow in order to increase wifi range around my house?
Answer #1
yep i did the same thing…the internet cable comes out of the wall in one of the bedrooms…i ran the cable into a cable modem then from there into a wireless box… i then ran a 150′ ethernet cable out back of wireless box up wall into ceiling…then ran across the house and into another wireless box…so we have no computers hooked to ethernet we are 100% pretty much one end of the house i use one box and the other side of house uses other box (since one wouldnt cover the whole house)
Answer #2
Ok but connection between those routers must be wired?Can’t be wireless?
Answer #3
IF not the 2nd router you can use Connectify for pc and make your laptop/pc a WiFi hotspot. it actually increases the range. i use that! Try that
Answer #4
Have no laptop bro,i need it mostly for phone,so i can sit on balcony and chill on phone
Answer #5
But how would it be possible to connect two routers without a Cable? :O
Answer #6
I think this is what you’re looking for:
Answer #7
Pretty much what DD has suggested, put one in repeater mode. Tho you will lose bandwidth in repeater mode, ideally both routers connected to a switch would be the best performance.
Answer #8
Not all routers have repeater mode though. i would recommend something like this:
I’m sure you can find cheaper ones, but we use these at work all the time, and they’re easy to configure and work great!


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