[MACOSX86] Blank Screen JaS 10.4.8. prepatched defiant

February 6th, 2018

Hi guys…got a question for you:
I am currently owning a basic Intel system with one CPU E6850, dual core, 3 gig, further an ASUS P5N-SLI with two ASUS EN7900GT cards in SLI. In addition one IDE HD, and on HD on SATA (non-SCSI), which might be the cause for the following problem (this is an install problem and posted maybe in the wrong section, sorry for that but i could not find a solution for that yet in this forum):
I had installed the Mac OSX (JaS prepatched 10.4.8. version from defiant) on the SATA hard disk, and the IDE first partition had the WinXP on. But it was not succesfull, and too late to fix the issue with the fdsik -e to flag the WinXP partition to make it active and use the os selector.
I am using further Acronis disk director suite as recommended with OS selector.
I am using the Wiki.org something install guide dual boot for the 10.4.8. version.
Install DVD is the prepatched JaS MACOSX 10.4.8., patched by defiant (thanks guys!!)
Before the MAC installation on the SATA, i experiemented with the VMware workstation 6 and could install the non-prepatched JaS 10.4.8. without any problems on the SATA….cool, but very slow, so i though this is not a premanent solution…
At the moment I moved the SATA hard disk to disk number 2, and my IDE is disk number 1, all of them have 4 partitions on it, the IDE has FAT32 partitions, and the SATA has NTFS partitions. So i gave it a try and I could not successfull install the MAC version on the SATA disk (obviously).
So I ended up with, for my point of view, only one solution to make the IDE HD your primary active disk, with the following scheme:
WinXP on first partition (NTFS), 70gb, primary active
MACOSX on second (formated into FAT32), 70gb, primary
WinData on third and fourth (NTFS), 70gb each, both logical
My SATA disk I have currently not connected to the mainboard as I want to make it a clean install on the IDE.
However, I formatted all disks and partitions in the above formats, after booting the Jas DVD it recognized the partitions but I could not earese the FAT32 partition for MAC, so I eareased the entire HD IDE and partitioned it afterwards in MS dOS partition for the first, third and fourth and the second one was MAC extended journaled as recommended. Currently, WinXP is installed on the first partition.
Ok, partition was successfully recognized and I began with the installation progress, now, as described in the various guides that this is the tricky part, I used several option out of the installer to install the JaS version successfully but ended up with a blank screen after the apple boot screen (yes the one with the aten apple bit and spinning-sort-of-clock beneith). I tried all options, with NV40 chip, without, with recommended softare, without, with and with out X11 and printer drievers etc… I have therefore two question:
1. Shows this blank screen the problem that my graphic cards do not recognize MAC? If so, how can I bypass that or install a driver macvidia before installing the Mac software, also I recognized that when choosing none of the Ttitan drivers (only the Intel pkg is selected), a message pop-ups during boot to reboot the system in several languages. My question still remains how I got the MACOS installed and booting in the VMware workstation application with the same system?
2. Might be that my hard disks are wronlgy setup? What would you recommend to do, and how many partitions would be recommended, as said before, I got one HD on SATA and one on IDE (but I know that connecting the SATA disk MAC would not recognize the hard disk thats when the IDE got in, which would be recognized during MAC OS install from the disk utility installer). Each disk has around 300GB.
Any suggestions, help ;;;;;;;…… best regards and thank you thousand times
PS my scripting skills are very limited, as I am a burned WIN clicker…sorry mates cheerio

Answer #1
thnx mate
Answer #2
thnx mate
thanks for what? cheers


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