Mac OSX on Laptop

July 28th, 2013

I would like to know how to install Mac OSX lion on my Toshiba L455D-S5976.
CPU- AMD Sempron SI-42 (Griffin 65nm Technology)
RAM- 2.00 GB DDR2 @ 333MHz
Motherboard- Toshiba NBWAE
Graphics- Generic PnP Monitor (1366×768@60Hz), ATI Radeon 3100 Graphics (Toshiba)
Hard Drives- 244GB Hitachi HTS545025B9A300 ATA Device (SATA)
Optical Drive- HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GT20N ATA Device
Network- Realtek RTL8187SE Wireless LAN PCIE Network Adapter
Then I also have the built in keyboard and Mouse that I would hope would be compatible.
I should mention that I plan on also having Windows 7 Ultimate and Ubuntu on the same laptop. [b]All[/b] help is highly appreciated. [b]Thanks!!![/list][/b]

Answer #1
Why you would even want to eludes me, but even if you do want to, you can not. OSX Lion is a 64 bit OS that needs at least a dual core processor. That AMD Sempron CPU is probably about 10 years old of not older andis definately not 64 bit. And Honestly, I do not think any version of Apple’s OS ever supported the AMD CPU. And that ATI Radeon 3100 is laughable. I am pretty sure you could not even get Win 7 on that laptop(at least not with the Aero desktop). Linux you got a shot though. It’s like the ~censored~ of OSes, it will pretty much install on anything.
Answer #2
I’m already running 64bit version of Windows 7 on the laptop smart-ass.


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