Mac fan really loud. Battery messed up?

August 12th, 2013

Ok so last night my charger broke. and I tried fixing it. I cut the wires and joined them at a different spots. And plugged it in. The charger was working fine. My idiot ass left the wires open and not covered. And when I moved the wires touched and created a shock thing. My mac shut off and wouldn’t turn on.
I quickly took the charger out. And after 5 mins mac turned on. But problem now is that the fan is making a really really loud noise. It is never this loud even if I’m using the ram to its full capacity? And the batter icon at the top is showing “x”. It says “no battery available” when I click the icon. But for some reason it is still running without a charger? What do I do? I hate this noise its making lol

Answer #1
Buy a new mobo.
Answer #2
Try an app called Fan Control.
Answer #3
Go through the power settings..It may have thrown something out..
Are the connections joined correctly now ?
Answer #4
Should have gotten a power adapter replacement on the first place.
Now you will have to send the entire unit back to Apple, I hope you like the repair bill.
You should be glad you didn’t shock yourself to death.


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