Looking for a program that i can set to limit downloads

August 21st, 2013

Looking for a program that i can set to limit computer downloads
so the kids dont go over my allowed bandwith.[/b][b]

Answer #1
Depending on your provider, if you are using a router that you can load third party software like Tomato or DD-WRT, you can throttle. You can also use pfSense or Smoothwall on a computer, to also restrict the computers on the network, etc.
Otherwise, lock the computers down. Best way is with Windows 7 Pro, so that you can use the GPO to restrict what workstation users can do on the machines. Also, you can set the user for how much drive space that they can use in their profile.
Personally, I would just get a larger drive, sit down and tell everyone as a family, what they need to do to work together. My son has a 500gb hard drive on his machine, and with the music on it, we still have over 250gb available for whatever he wishes to do with. If we need more, I can always add another 500gb or 1TB drive in his machine.


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