locate lost phone via GPS possible?

February 4th, 2020

my friend lost/had her phone stolen at a party last weekend and is wondering if you can find it through the GPS on her phone. I know that AT&T has tracking on phones for their children so I thought she may be able to use that however I cannot find an option.
The phone is still on as I just called her phone but is there any way to pin its location via AT&T or some other application. THanks!

Answer #1
unless your friend put a program on it that she can track it..she cant do anything herself..if anything contact ATT..even then i dont know if they will be able to help you….they might even charge you
Answer #2
Do it before the batter runs out
Answer #3
LMFAO classic
Answer #4
I think you can by contacting the mobile service.. let’s say in Malaysia. When people found phones, they’ll ought to change the number because we have a lot of services here like Celcom (019 – ), DiGi (016 -) and Maxis (012 – / 017 – ). These three powerful services may track your phone wherever they are, but sure, when the thief/founder sent a message or made a call with that number. If the number’s changed. And there are no GPS tracker, the phone will be as gone forever!


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