Linux.. Which Distribution?

August 7th, 2016

Right.. I’m starting to think I should get Linux
But I have been looking around and it seems that Ubuntu is the most popular?
What distributions are possible to install on a Mac? (Are there really any limits?)
I need it for programming purposes and generally just surfing.
(Starting Software Engineering education this September)
Any suggestions?
(I have already checked the other threads, but well, things change over time?)

Answer #1
I think Ubuntu is the most popular…
Then Kubuntu, Mint…
Answer #2
Ubuntu or Kubuntu
Answer #3
Ubuntu is the most popular as far as I know. Here’s a test to see which Linux distro is good for you
Answer #4
Is it possible to install Ubuntu to a thumb drive?
Answer #5
Is it possible to install Ubuntu to a thumb drive?
Should be…. look for something like “ubuntu live cd”…
maybe it helps
Answer #6
Is it possible to install Ubuntu to a thumb drive?
Should be.... look for something like "ubuntu live cd"...
maybe it helps

Thanks a lot! Will try Ubuntu then
Answer #7
Ubuntu is very user-friendly and hardware-friendly, I would recommend it.
Another good option is Fedora if (or when) you know how to use it.
Answer #8
Is it possible to install Ubuntu to a thumb drive?
Answer #9
Is it possible to install Ubuntu to a thumb drive?

Anyway, I’ll install it tomorrow, not going to play around with a laptop I need for exams tomorrow
Answer #10
Mint is best TESTED work perfect!!!
Answer #11
Debian! It’s the core of Ubuntu so it’s basically Ubuntu without the rubbish ^_^ Think what XP is to Vista
Answer #12

deed02392 wrote: Select all

Debian! It’s the core of Ubuntu so it’s basically Ubuntu without the rubbish ^_^ Think what XP is to Vista
oh you just didn’t compare Ubuntu to Vista, right?
for new users Ubuntu is by far the easiest to adjust.
Answer #13
You cant compare Ubuntu to Vista 2 TOTALLY different things. Ubuntu on its WORST day with ME working on it would never run as bad as Vista. Ubuntu is the easy way to install Linux. You have 2 flavors Ubuntu which uses the Gnome desktop or KBuntu which uses the KDE desktop (Which I believe is more windows like) Anyways Give it a shot. Linux is definitely worth the small download and install.
Answer #14
Right.. So I tried both Ubuntu and Fedora, and I think I’ll stay with Ubuntu, till I get to know Linux better
Answer #15
Move to Debian once you get the hang of linux. You don’t want to get stuck with a bloated system that comes with Ubuntu. Gnome uses ridiculous amounts of ram so I suggest you install xfce window manager with:
apt-get install xfce*