Laptop help needed

August 18th, 2013

Basically the laptop wouldn’t start, the screen just went black. So i booted from disc with an XP disc. It get’s some way into formatting and then after i’ve entered the product key and a few other things. It gets to a bit where it keeps saying certain drivers can’t be found. If i click cancel it just stays there and the installation doesn’t continue. Anyone any idea what this is?
Help will be very very very appreciated.

Answer #1
hmm, I guess you could try injecting all the drivers into a custom windows xp cd. I have had to do this in the past when missing raid drivers and no floppy disc drive to load them from. This link seems to outline the process well enough..
good luck
edit: Before that though.. how long did you leave it ?.. from what I remember xp install can sometimes sit for an hour or something (atleast it always felt that way) looking like it has crashed.
Answer #2
I will take a look. I left it on over night haha
Thanks for the reply though mate. I will check it out!
Answer #3
if there’s a “continue” option when you get the missing drivers alert
try popping out the disk, reinsert and hit “continue”


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