Kinect Update help

January 23rd, 2020

hey guys I currently have ixtreme 1.6 I was wondering if i update to kinect dashboard using a usb and play only the kinect adventures for now till LT touch then can i update to LT touch without getting banned
and also if its a yes how about playing wave 6 and below games no fable or …
and no I will not be connecting to XBL

Answer #1
Answer #2
If you won’t be connecting to XBL why are you worried about whether or not you’ll get banned?
Answer #3
coz someone said that its got flashed drive detector thought the actual kinect update does that and in case i wanna see my xbox later on u know having it not banned is a plus
and my main concern apart from that is being able to update to LT+ when it comes out straight from kinect dashboard
Answer #4
Dashboard version is irrelevant when it comes to flashing custom firmware…?
Answer #5
are u asking me or telling me since you have a question mark at the end
coz personally i know that but i mean with psp and stuff i just wanted to make sure because i can wait and not play any wave 7 games on my xbox and no connect to XBL
but id rather use the kinect as soon as i get it
Answer #6
Other consoles have custom firmware for the console itself. The X360’s firmware is unaffected–you’re flashing the optical drive’s firmware.
Answer #7
oh ok so lets say i have ixtreme 1.61 and i get kinect i can update using the kinect game without going live and just play the kinect game and maybe some wave 4 games like mafia 2 and red dead redemption
then when lt + comes out ill flash it to that and my console will stay unbanned as long as im not online during this time and not playing wave 7 games
right ?
Answer #8
No, not completely. Even offline the console will log the games you play then report to MS once you connect to Live. Kinect games are wave 8 and 9 so far. There is only one wave 7 game.
Answer #9
how about just playing the kinect adventure and nothing else ?
Answer #10
I don’t know what kind of reassurances you’re looking for from me, I can guarantee you nothing. If you own a retail copy of Kinect Adventures (I assume you do since it’s bundled with Kinect), then why are you worried?
Answer #11
im not worried about that just wanted to be sure that i wont get banned since i got a moded xbox althought im just gonna play the retail game


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