Jdownloader taking up a lot of CPU?

August 1st, 2016

I think most people here use Jdownloader to download, so I’m wondering if it’s normal that it takes up so much CPU?
When I start Jdownloader, it starts the javaw.exe process, which takes up about 30-80% of my CPU :S For comparison, Firefox never takes up more than 3. So is this what Jdownloader does for everyone or is it just me?

Answer #1
It’s normal for a program which runs on Java
Answer #2
Yep, JDownloader is bulky.
Answer #3
Still, its a good prog
Answer #4
Answer #5
does it look like this?
Answer #6
http://~ Disallowed image host ~/2py7tbr.png
That’s what it looks like
Answer #7
java can do that
Answer #8
Moved from Off-Topic to Helpdesk.
Answer #9
http://~ Disallowed image host ~/2py7tbr.png
That's what it looks like

no big deal….all izz well
Answer #10
It is rather bulky. Uses Java so it quite intensive.


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