Jailbreak iTouch 2g 3.1.2 & install crack apps

January 26th, 2020

is It possible to jailbreak a iPod Touch 2gen 8gb firmware 3.1.2 and install cracked apps on it? I had firmware 3.0 but accidently upgrade to 3.1.2 and now I don’t know how to downgrade it.. I have iTunes 9.0 and don’t wanna delete it because I have over 14gb’s of music and don’t wanna lose all of it..
Thanks for any and all help……

Answer #1
you will need to download redsn0w and use that to install 3.0, then upgrade to 3.1.2 using one of the premade ipsws on the forum (unless you have a mac and feel like making it yourself)
-you DONT have to delete/downgrade from iTunes 9
-using redsn0w WILL DELETE EVERYTHING ON THE IPOD, so copy anything important to your computer
once you have 3.1.2 installed and the hackulo.us repo to cydia and install “app sync for os 3.1”
then you can install cracked apps
Answer #2
just search itouch 3.0 app on bb and ull come with sites whic h hav loads of tutorials


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