Interactive Video for Android. Really important to me

August 8th, 2016

Is there any program to do it? Would be cool to see it on android.
On the screen, a random video loops forever. Let’s say it is a landscape.
Then, if you press with your finger in a particular spot, another video comes in, which would be this very same landscape, but in a different situation.
Let’s say it is a beach. If you press on the sea, another video comes in, of this very same beach but when a wave comes in. And then it goes
back to the main loop (just a footage of the calm beach).
If you press on a cloud or the sky, it switches to another video of the beach when a bolt of lightning is shown.
Anybody knows anything similar?
I am asking this because I want to do an interactive video with my face. If someone touches let’s say my nose, then I wrinkle my nose.
If someone touches my eye, I’ll close it… and so on

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