Ideas for constructing a straw tower

September 23rd, 2013

Hey guys. So I have this assignment coming up. My group has to construct a tower using straws, and only straws. We cannot use any paperclips, tape etc. Nothing but straws. I know this seems impossible, but not really.
After constructing this tower we will place a cut up bottle and throw in coins as the load. So the basic idea is to construct a tower which can support the load. We will be given marks on the beauty of the tower, the height and the load it can support.
Our basic problem is how the heck are we suppose to construct this tower in the first place, and then it should be strong enough to support the load when when we can’t use tape etc. We’ve been thinking on this and came up with a couple of ideas. I’d like to hear some other constructive ideas on how can we achieve this.

Answer #1
Answer #2
Valid Bump.
Answer #3
Take a straw (drinking straw, I take it) and slide another down inside it.
Repeat a few hundred times.
You now have some very strong straws which you can cut little slits in without loss of strength.
Cut little slits, in opposite directions in two straws, slide the slits into each other (adjust angle of cuts to siut required angles for tower).
Do this in appropriate positions and angles to make supports for the tower, cantilever style.
Answer #4
good idea, fluffbutt
is there a limit on the amount of straws you can use?
design-wise, I don’t really get what your saying with the cut up coke bottle and how it’s attached
but, my suggestion is to make a pyramid 3 or 4 sided (or a cone shape/ circular at the bottom), this should make for good effect, especially the cone shape.
but I definitely think you should make the base, significantly bigger (area-wise) than the top
Answer #5
Fluffbutt replied: Take a straw (drinking straw, I take it) and slide another down inside it.
Repeat a few hundred times.
You now have some very strong straws which you can cut little slits in without loss of strength.
Cut little slits, in opposite directions in two straws, slide the slits into each other (adjust angle of cuts to siut required angles for tower).
Do this in appropriate positions and angles to make supports for the tower, cantilever style.

Wow.. You actually came up with the only two ideas I already had. :/
I expected someone to come up with the first one, but the second one too? This is a bit of a surprise. (It’s good to see alike minds)
I’d like to see if there are more ideas around.
Voryzen replied: @msaadn:
is there a limit on the amount of straws you can use?

There is no limit to the amount of straws. However, I’d like to use less BUT the base comes first so if we need to use more we will. We need a strong base to support the load.
Voryzen replied: I don't really get what your saying with the cut up coke bottle and how it's attached
The bottle is cut in half horizontally. One of those sides is going to be placed on the straw structure. (We’re not instructed yet whether to use the cap side or the bottom side of the bottle.) It’s not attached, just placed on it. Then we will add some loads in the bottle.
Answer #6
so then you’re going to need some levels of some sort, a flat top, or
(my choice): a hole that goes right through the centre (width ways) (length ways, it should be a little closer to the top), that you can slide the half coke bottle into
the more straws that the coke bottle touches/ rests on, the more of its weight will be displaced,
coupled with a solid support that comes right up through the centre of the structure, should be sturdy enough.
I hope I wasn’t babbling,
let me know if I was a little vague with what I said
Answer #7
There are a number of structures.
You could use the strong centre pillar with side struts to keep it upright.
You could do a open weave bridge type design.
A square box design is strong, but need struts to stop in wobbling and collapsing
Also to note – think laterally: They say nothing but straws, BUT do they say the structure has to be realistic (as in, like a house or bridge, or Eiffel Tower)?
If not, what about TYING a straw around bundles of straws to keep them together? If you get 10 straws in a bundle, and tie a straw top and bottom. This can now be a very strong central pillar. (use more straws = bigger, stronger pillar).
Answer #8
I like that idea fluffbutt,
I’m thinking of heading down to the store to buy some straws tomorrow xP


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