I need some real computer help

January 27th, 2020

So I got a computer that I put together, and I am gonna put a pirated version of windows 7 on it.
The problem is that I have tried installing about 4 different versions of windows 7, and I have had the same problem with all of them.
I install the drivers and some software. And no matter what I do, it always inevitably freezes.
it is a 6 core 64 bit operating system.
I would link to the current version of windows 7 I have installed, but it won’t let me post if I do.
So if you want it, PM me

Answer #1
Run memtest 86.
Answer #2
Alright. I booted the test from a USB Drive. I ran it for 1 pass. No errors.
Answer #3
Might be a bad HDD. I suggest you get it checked with the brand’s bootable diagnostic tool.
Answer #4
Does it run OK in safe mode ?
Answer #5
Did it run OK before you installed the drivers? …… It should still boot up OK without drivers and if it doesn’t then it ain’t a driver problem.
Since you built it yourself check all your hardware compatibility again. Check all your connections and stuff so you are totally happy on that side.
Check your BIOS settings.
Check again that you have downloaded the correct drivers for 64 bit.
I know all this is a pain in the ass but when you don’t know what it is you just go through logical boring checking again and again until you discover the problem …… we are not all experts when it comes to building our own computer (I’ve done it) ……. but we do all think we are.
Check device manager for any ghost items (click View/Show hidden items to show everything) then uninstall any ghosts you find … a ghost is a faded out item. You see any yellow uninstalled stuff there?
Answer #6
Alright. This is what I have done so far. Last night I installed windows 7 again, like I mentioned in my first post. Just now I installed some drivers. My chipset, networking (which I need because it doesn’t work without it), and videocard driver.
After I was done installing my videocard driver I got an error. No .Net framework, can’t start MOM.exe.
So I installed net framework, restarted, and it started up just fine. No errors nothing. Then it froze.
Started it up in safe mode. It works just fine but like I mentioned, I need my network driver to get on the internet, so it is pretty limited.
Yes, on my hard drives… I am using two. A solid state drive for my operating systems and a hard disk drive for everything else.
Yeah I want to cut my solid state drive pretty much almost in half. It is a 64GB drive. 40 is going to be used for windows and 20 for linux. I think 40 should be enough at least for an operating system.
Though I am doing it kinda weird. I have my second partition be my windows partition. So linux comes before windows on my solid state drive.
Alright. I am going to go double check all my drivers and I am going to try partitioning my drive in different ways to see if I get anything different. Also check my bios.
Also, while I was doing all of this, my screen kept randomly turning off, then back on by itself.
Answer #7
install ms .net framework, then install your graphic card drivers
Answer #8
alright i’ll try that
checked out my bios and there were some features turned on that were unnecessary. so i turned them off
Answer #9
I’m assuming you have done this ………….. searched Google on how to install a dual boot with Windows 7 and Linux ……….. most seem to recommend Windows 7 on the first partition then Linux on the second.
To get loads of info search for this: ………… dual boot linux and windows 7.
I’m not trying to treat you as some dumbo by suggesting this, it’s just that sometimes you read something you might have forgotten or dismissed in the instal process.
In the days when I used to dual boot operating systems I always set up primary partitions for each OS (and yes, I played around with linux for a while but dumped it eventually), but everything worked fine for me with primary partitions. I even used to set up a small partition for the linux swap file but that isn’t necessary now I don’t think. But I always had Windows first then Linux second.
If you have only installed Windows 7 and it works in OK safe mode there must be an issue with the drivers you installed ………. you don’t need networking drivers to test if the OS is installed ….. in fact, you shouldn’t need to install any drivers initially to test out the success of your install, even the graphics card drivers are not needed just to test it out.
I’ve never used an SSD so I have no experience with compatibility issues or BIOS settings on those but it might be worth reading your motherboard/SSD manual for any special settings involved there.
I’m just throwing anything at you here mate, hope you don’t mind.
my screen kept randomly turning off, then back on by itself
Hehe! I have a similar problem with my screen but I discovered it was the power cable plug on the screen that is faulty and vibration of the desk makes it disconnect regularly. ………. Just a thought, but is your graphics card fan working properly (might be overheating) and is it connected as it should be? And check the BIOS settings for any temperature cut out settings.


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