I need some help.

February 9th, 2020

ok heres my problem, I downloaded red faction from this topic http://www.google.com?t=2671174&highlight= and burnt it to a fujifilm dual layer dvd with img burn and 2.4 speed using the .dvd file and it worked on my xbox. I ran out of disc so i went to the store and bought some Verbatim dual layer dvd. I have tryed to burn the game 3 times already using them and each time it says that the disc is unreadable, i used all the same setting that i used the first time but it just wont work does anybody know whats wrong with it?
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Answer #1
Probably got a bad batch of blanks.Happened to me already,also are they dvd+r dl,or dvd-r dl
Answer #2
Probably got a bad batch of blanks.Happened to me already.
but the disc all burn fine i dont get any errors or anything until i put it into the xbox and it says disc unreadable.
edit: they are dvd dl +r
Answer #3
I got the same problem, Verbatims were 8x though i think was the source of my problem. When i went to verify it corrupt sector luckily i have more fujifilms around.
Answer #4
I got the same problem, Verbatims were 8x though i think was the source of my problem. When i went to verify it corrupt sector luckily i have more fujifilms around.
well how would i tell if my dvd drive can burn at 8x?
Answer #5
Verbatim isn’t always a guaranteed good burn.Just because you don’t get a error when the burn is complete doesn’t mean your disk is good.
Answer #6
Verbatim isn't always a guaranteed good burn.Just because you don't get a error when the burn is complete doesn't mean your disk is good.
well ~love~…..i dont have any money left to buy more disc…god damnit.
Answer #7
Nero InfoTool can tell all the information you need about your drive.I ‘m sure not all of the dvd’s are bad.I never had a whole spindle go bad on me.You should try to return it if you can.get a new batch.
Answer #8
do you have a proper dual layer burner my friend had a problem where like 1/5 of the disks he would burn would work and they usually buggered up
we ended up buying a new $40 burner and now all disks burn correctly
Answer #9
True that …I feel its all in the burner. I ad the same stuff with me and i change it …now alls good…good luck
Answer #10
do you have a proper dual layer burner my friend had a problem where like 1/5 of the disks he would burn would work and they usually buggered up
we ended up buying a new $40 burner and now all disks burn correctly

well i think i do, i have burnt 37 xbox360 games and they all worked fine it just these ones right here that dont seem to work. All tht other ones i burnt where fujifilm these ones are Verbatim but i was told those one work better so i got them.
Answer #11
I was told the same thing when i flashed my 360,and I admit my first set of dvd’s worked great,but the next 20 i brought i got 3 good burns only.Next i brought memorex which people tolded me basically sucked,and i brought 80 to date and had not one bad burn.
Answer #12
I was told the same thing when i flashed my 360,and I admit my first set of dvd's worked great,but the next 20 i brought i got 3 good burns only.Next i brought memorex which people tolded me basically sucked,and i brought 80 to date and had not one bad burn.
i have used 4 of the disc do you think i can still return them to the store or am i out of luck?
Answer #13
i have tried Memorex and TDK discs
only Verbatims worked
make sure your layerbreak is at 1913760 if you don’t have the DVD file of the game
Answer #14
Yeah.Go to the store and tell them there not working.The only way to know there not working would be if you tried them so that’s why you used 4 of them
Answer #15
moving to helpdesk
Answer #16
ok i have another question a decided to post it here, would the writespeed of the dvd matter usally i use ones that have a 2.4x but the last ones i tried were 8x would that matter?
Answer #17
I think you have a better chance of a good burn if you burn it at a low speed like 2.4x,but if your max write is 8x maybe it cant burn at 2.4x.I have dl dvd’s that only burn 6x and 8x speed.
Answer #18
I think you have a better chance of a good burn if you burn it at a low speed like 2.4x,but if your max write is 8x maybe it cant burn at 2.4x.I have dl dvd's that only burn 6x and 8x speed.
i do usally burn them at 2.4 but the last ones i bought said they had to be burnt at 8x and it didnt work at all would them having to be burnt at 8x have anything to do with it.


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