How to wear a watch with a small wrist?

August 5th, 2016

Hi, I need some help on how I should wear my watch with a small wrist and what watches that I should look for.
Please ignore the scratches on my wrist as they were caused by my indoor cat.

Answer #1
I don’t understand what the issue is, If the watch fits then it fits, And it it doesn’t
then it doesn’t. It’s not rocket science you know! Set that aside, Hand watches are so 1990s, Can’t believe some people still use em!
These days, Most people have a cell phone which they carry everywhere they go (Which has a
digital clock+alarm) which effectively makes hand watches and standalone alarm clocks a thing of the past.
Answer #2
I don't understand what the issue is, If the watch fits then it fits, And it it doesn't
then it doesn't. It's not rocket science you know! Set that aside, Hand watches are so 1990s, Can't believe some people still use em!
These days, Most people have a cell phone which they carry everywhere they go (Which has a
digital clock+alarm) which effectively makes hand watches and standalone alarm clocks a thing of the past.

I like to still use watches because its easy access and I don’t always have to pull out my phone every time. If somehow your phone dies, you will have a watch as a backup in case you want to know what time is it.
Answer #3
You phone will not “die” as long as you recharge it often enough, And getting it out
to check the time is not any harder. As said before, It’s not rocket science.
Hand watches have a strap with notches, So you just put it as tight as you can (without being too tight) and that’s that. Which hand to use is entirely your choice. It’s been ages since I’ve worn one (I just find em too uncomfortable) and as said before, They’re non-essential these days.
Answer #4
Get a watch that is not too big in diameter to suit your wrist.
Use a good leather strap….The metal ones are hard and awkward to adjust!
Don’t worry about the 90’s, go back a hundred years and get a mechanical watch!!
Got one myself, works well.
Only thing is that some of the skeleton ones make it a bit hard to read the hands and face.
Answer #5
as a man with small wrist…i always wanted to make a company that made things for smaller males…lol
good luck braha finding a male watch that is no to big…the best a guy like me can do is a unsex watch…hehe.
Answer #6
The face of the watch – should not look like the Clock for BIG BEN on your wrist. Look for one that doesn’t look ridiculous on your wrist. A size called Universal is just that – ladies/men size. Raymond Weil is one company that makes this type size – I dont know about other companies. IMHO, every man should have atleast one expensive watch. So long as the face of the watch doesn’t slide completely around your wrist, you should be OK. Some people where them like a bracelet and let them slide all around – I think that looks sloppy and should be firm but not too tight on the wrist. Wrist curls wouldn’t hurt if you are that worried about your forearms.
I suggest doing pushups every day… eventually your forearms will grow, as well as the rest – which is a better benefit than just doing wrist curls or squeezing a tennis ball for hours. Your wrist can take allot of abuse – work em hard.
Answer #7
Just make sure you buy it in person (so you could try it on it first) and it’ll be all
good. Don’t even think of ordering it online!
Anyways, One thing I forgot to mention is the Watch>OCD correlation.
OCD stands for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder btw.
Some people can get too aware that they’re wearing one and constantly
think about it/check the time (Especially when they’re using their hands)
and this makes em more stressed and have poorer levels of concentration!
This is another good reason not to wear one.
Answer #8
Are you left-handed ? Just asking as you have posted pics of your right hand – on which most left-handed people wear watches, right handed people generally wear on the left wrist, but you can just go with what’s more comfortable for you.
Go to a decent jewellers, and try on a few – then you can buy it on-line if you see one you like. There is absolutely nothing wrong with wearing a watch, it’s a lot more discrete than pulling a phone out, especially if you are talking to someone and don’t want to come across as an arrogant tosser.
As mentioned above, try unisex watches, or even those for a male teen.
Answer #9
Get a watch with a big leather strap behind it
Answer #10
Sadly, all the watches i can buy here ARE designed for small wrists, and i have a large wrist with defined muscles. Nightmare to find a watch that the band fits me, let alone comfortably!
Any way – look for a smaller ladies watch in a style you like with numbers you like.
Get a leather band that buckles up – you might find an expander band will annoy any protruding bones.
A big watch will look overpowering on a slim wrist..
Answer #11
I have thinner wrists and I like normal faced sized watches with either a velcro or leather band depending where you use it. I hate the elastic metal bands as they need to be taken in and in my case, the hairs on my wrist get caught. Keep it simple and unnoticeable and you’ll be happy. BTW, what is with the Big Ben sized faced watches? Guess a new trend must be developed.


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