How to truly test an antivirus, antimalware, antispyware ?

November 25th, 2013

I am currently looking into testing several applications to define how good they are in actual field test but there are several things I don’t know where or hot to go in order to accomplish this.
1) Where can I download potential malwares, spywares, virus and the such to put these for actual field test ? Not talking about EICAR but real test.
2) What other cares should I take for testing these other then a controlled ambient such a VM or test Computer ?
My goal here is to test most of the tools to make packages based on how well I feel these applications done in the tests as well as overall performance on the computer and several other things.
Best regards.

Answer #1
1)Nowhere AFAIK as it’s illegal.
There are people though who have done the work 4 u:
Answer #2
there are many reviews etc online on different AV’s using 1 on your own system is pointless lol
there is a site for virus’s i just cannot remember over 4 years ago :p
Answer #3
I know a few places but I wont post it here because
a) it’s not allowed on this forum
b) some moron will likely get infected because of it
Answer #4
Watch this video…it may have some answers for ya.
And I believe MODs wouldn’t be too happy to see people posting sites that have links to malware
Answer #5
you don’t need to do that
they do the job for you:

Answer #6
Ste#. replied: there are many reviews etc online on different AV's using 1 on your own system is pointless lol
there is a site for virus's i just cannot remember over 4 years ago :p

It is not only for personal use, this came out for an idea for something that currently doesn’t have in the city I live and came out to be pretty interesting for business and as such not only for learning and personal interest but as well as professional I am looking into doing it
-paroxysM^ replied: I know a few places but I wont post it here because
a) it's not allowed on this forum
b) some moron will likely get infected because of it

That is so true I will refrain on my first topic for people to PM that to me instead of posting it open, if you don’t mind I would appreciate very much if you could PM those links they will be of great help. (btw guilty crown omoshiroy)
Jack_Torrance replied: 1)Nowhere AFAIK as it's illegal.
There are people though who have done the work 4 u:

I appreciate the link but I have to do this myself not that I don’t trust their reviews etc but doing so I will have a better overview of each tool and to which client it will be most suitable or if I would even use it.
drdaylight389 replied: Watch this may have some answers for ya.
And I believe MODs wouldn't be too happy to see people posting sites that have links to malware

Thank you for the video will check it and about for posting links to potential bad sites I will rework my first topic so people send them to pm to me as I don’t want any one getting infected as well.
Uusitalo replied: you don't need to do that
they do the job for you:

I appreciate the link but I have to do this myself not that I don’t trust their reviews etc but doing so I will have a better overview of each tool and to which client it will be most suitable or if I would even use it.
Answer #7
I would imagine that if it’s against the board rules, then it would also be against the board rules to use the pm system for it
Answer #8
I partially doubt that, since the PM system is for exchange of private message and they are not doing it for bad purpose, if it were some random person sending PMs to the entire list of users that would be a different history.
Also that would fall into privacy breach if they were actually check each and all PM without reason don’t you agree ?
Answer #9
namedrisk replied: I partially doubt that, since the PM system is for exchange of private message and they are not doing it for bad purpose, if it were some random person sending PMs to the entire list of users that would be a different history.
Also that would fall into privacy breach if they were actually check each and all PM without reason don't you agree ?

All PMs are subject to ALL the board rules ……… in other words the rules apply to PMs.
Answer #10
But again, as the rule state
unless it is posted in an educational sense
but instead of posting it will be PM’ed for obvious reason already discussed early in this thread.
Answer #11
That is so true I will refrain on my first topic for people to PM that to me instead of posting it open, if you don't mind I would appreciate very much if you could PM those links they will be of great help. (btw guilty crown omoshiroy) Just Google for malware domain lists or malware URL lists. You’ll get plenty of zero day lists.
Answer #12
this guy dosent really want to test his system if he did he would use one of the links above he refuses to he just wants to plant a virus or something dont give him any info
Answer #13
-paroxysM^ replied: That is so true I will refrain on my first topic for people to PM that to me instead of posting it open, if you don't mind I would appreciate very much if you could PM those links they will be of great help. (btw guilty crown omoshiroy) Just Google for malware domain lists or malware URL lists. You'll get plenty of zero day lists.
Not sure if google will be much of help, I was searching for some stuff before making this thread and most material I could find was related to logs and description of antivirus websites, right after I made this post, drdaylight389 posted a very good video which also points some great sites for exactly what I was looking for.
Still I will keep trying looking on google for more with different keywords, I think it was just a bad keyword set for my head start anyway, as I get into the subject, I get more and more good keywords to look for.
pspdoggy replied: this guy dosent really want to test his system if he did he would use one of the links above he refuses to he just wants to plant a virus or something dont give him any info
reading the review of other site does not help me to gain personal experience on any of those softwares I will be entrusting my clients to, only tells me what people already tried. How do you ensure your users they will be safe when yourself don’t know the answer (just because some one else told you “hey, you can jump the mountain you won’t die”, does not mean it is true), also, it does not guarantee me that they weren’t paid to subscribe a good review about software X mainly because of that and for the gain of knowledge by using each and knowing how to deal of each in their respective use and setup I want to personally do this whether you think I will or will not do it myself is up to you, I am not looking for your approval to it I am just looking for what i described in the first topic, rant as much as you feel like.
How do you guide your customer if you don’t even know yourself how software X works ? I could go on and on with several points that makes this a legit post but that is not needed because people that read what I said already understood that and I am not looking for your approval you can rant it as much as you want.
Answer #14
A/V software that regularly updates definitions and installs them automatically, checking every couple of hours is the way I would recommend one, along with the companies pro-activeness against threats in the past.
It’s called Reputation.
No need for you to be doing something that has already been done many times.
Answer #15
Not sure if google will be much of help
I tried Google just now and got the exact result I wanted at the very top.
Answer #16
gilly replied: A/V software that regularly updates definitions and installs them automatically, checking every couple of hours is the way I would recommend one, along with the companies pro-activeness against threats in the past.
It's called Reputation.
No need for you to be doing something that has already been done many times.

There are several points on recommending a protection tool not only the reputation is what matter for instance when recommending a protection tool for a gaming client, if you recommend something that will either give a bad performance (and yes there are protection tool that have great reputation yet for some sort of tasks suck badly and there are tools that overcome it) for the game for whatever reason of course they won’t like that as much, hence why I will be testing several softwares and have a packages out of them.
The test itself is not ONLY if they will protect you against antivirus, malware and etc…
Like I said in 2 replies already the test considers a lot of things based from type of users to firewall, networking and other things
The one things I was missing that was already settle down by 2 answers were the virus, malware and such malicious things.
-paroxysM^ replied: I tried Google just now and got the exact result I wanted at the very top.
I haven’t checked your keywords yet what I mentioned early was in regards the ones I’ve used before creating this thread which were probably bad keywords to what I was looking for but as I talked about it here an in other places as well as the keywords recommended by you, etc, I did found some good materials I could say I have more then I can handle now putting together what from other communities, from the video posted here and your keywords used to search on google.
I appreciate your help


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