Best Antispyware?

August 5th, 2016

What is the Best Antispyware?
i dont mind if its free or if i have to pay?

Answer #1
I’ve always liked ad-aware, it’s free and keeps out most garbage, although windows defender does a pretty good job to.
Answer #2
What is the Best Antispyware?

There is no best when it comes to protection/removal software.
I use a combination of three antispywares; A-Squared Free, Malwarebytes’ Antimalware and Super Antispyware. Btw all are free.
Answer #3
Malwarebytes’ Antimalware and Super Antispyware are the two best IMO. I also use the Geek Squad MRI
Answer #4
OK thanks for the info
Answer #5
Try: Spybot Search and Destroy
Answer #6
Spybot and Ad-Aware – Both are good.
Answer #7
Malwarebytes’ Anti-Malware


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