How to insert a code in a blog page

August 12th, 2013

Because I’m a ZERO about coding and HTML I’d like to ask the wise-one about how can I insert a generated code by a website I’m affiliate with into a blog page like Blogspot.
The generated code is personalized [includes the reseller name] and it contains some pictures and a piece of text. I’be tried to insert it “as is” into the HTML form of the blog on Blogspot but when I clicked PREVIEW it appeared the text only, not the pictures…
The generated code is like this:
<p><a href=""><img border="1" src=""></a> [...]HERE-CAMES-THE-TEXT</p>
I’ve replaced the name of the website with “xyz” and the name of the reseller with “ABCD”.
Any ideas or clues, PLEASE?!?

Answer #1
don’t know if this will help or no?? but!!!
Answer #2
You must click on HTML editor before you paste, not rich text.
Answer #3
If you don’t know anything about html, just use a WYSIWYG editor for posting onto a blog.
Use Google, there are plenty of free ones, most blogs have them built in.
Answer #4
Thank you, friends!
@SmAsHeDr: yes, I was talking about a HTML code, not the TEXT one
@TheGreatKali: definitely I will try the suggestion! Thank you!!!
@the Meerkat: I have installed on my PC the WYSIWYG Web Builder [don’t know what version is…]; do you think I might use that one?
Answer #5
mulea replied: @SmAsHeDr: yes, I was talking about a HTML code, not the TEXT one
Your pasting the HTML code (that your talking abotu) into the TEXT editor, or else you will not see the HTML tags.
Get it?
Answer #6
Your pasting the HTML code (that your talking abotu) into the TEXT editor, or else you will not see the HTML tags.
Get it?” = … not really…!
What exactly you’re trying to tell me, please?
Answer #7
Can you make a screenshot of the editor you have to insert stuff into your blog?
Answer #8
Here you go:
[I’ve circled the HTML button I’m choosing to insert the given code]


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