How to fix Prefetch folder

October 22nd, 2013

I want to know how to fix Prefetch windows folder???
My startup items loads very slowly in the windows start.
And the cause is some file wrongly deleted in a Prefetch folder.
Any body know how can i fix it in a simple way ????

Answer #1
And the cause is some file wrongly deleted in a Prefetch folder.
what makes you think this ?
if a file is deleted in prefetch it should just get recreated on next boot
I turn off prefetch (XP) and have no files in that folder and have not problems
Answer #2
datfss replied: I want to know how to fix Prefetch windows folder???
Like edwoodweb, its probably not your prefetch folder, dunno why u got that idea.
datfss replied: Any body know how can i fix it in a simple way ????
Slow boot can be caused by many things such as bloated registry, fragmented hard drive, start-up programs.
Answer #3
I try to fix all things via TuneUp Utilities 2012 but not fixing this problem showing that the problem in prefetch folder
Answer #4
I agree with the answers above, most probably your slow startup does not have anything to do with the prefetch folder; TuneUp Utitlities does consider disabling the prefetch folder as a problem but you can always ignore that.
Also, can you tell how many apps there opening at startup?
Answer #5
Thanks Guys But I reinstall me Windows
Answer #6
If you reinstall windows problems need to be fixe’d


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