How to download torrents securely?

October 24th, 2013

I really want to know
Answer #1
The only way I know is not to..Use filehosts..
Answer #2
Mate use Private Trackers helps everyone i think, But it helps me
Answer #3
Firewall port protection. Use google to find an decent Tutorial.
Answer #4
Demonoid is the best tracker and only1% of files are infected.
Answer #5
Use a private tracker that uses SSL.
Demonoid is not a safe tracker. It’s closed as much as Kim Kardashian’s legs.
Answer #6
Best way to download Torrents is to use a VPN. Then it don’t matter whether or not you’re using a private/public tracker…pretty much guaranteed you wont be attacked by the MAFIAA/RIAA/MPAA.
Another way is to get a seedbox. This will help keep the MAFIAA, RIAA, etc. away.
And as others have mentioned, use a Private tracker. These are sites that you need an invite to get in. Demonoid IS NOT one of these sites because they open registration once a month for everyone.
Stay away from public trackers! These are sites like TPB where everyone that has an internet connection has access to their torrents.


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