How to connect PS3 to monitor (VGA)

January 29th, 2020

My monitor only has a VGA input, don’t worry about sound, i already know how to sort that out just need to figure out how to play it on the monitor.
Answer #1
Find a shop where they sell Vga to Hdmi cables or vica verca
Answer #2
you can get hdmi to VGA cables off ebay for cheap. i dont know how good they are though
Answer #3
Well you guys are half right. You need to make sure your moniters HDCP complient otherwise the cable won’t work. If your moniters not and your willing to spend a bit of money this will work.
Answer #4
get a dazzle adapter. though i would recommend getting a lcd monitor instead
Answer #5
Well im not sure but i got a xbox 360 vga cable and that worked fine on my monitor so…


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