How to bypass rapidshare blacklist?

January 26th, 2020

Is there anyway to change the MD5 checksum of the files on my server? I’ve seen many uploaders do it. Thank you.
Answer #1
actually I never heard of it, when my uploads are blacklisted I change their title end re-upload
Answer #2
The “trick” is, that you can add one or more zeros to a RAR-file which are ignored at unpacking-time. Even single parts of a multiarchiv can be handled this way. These zero(s) lead in a different MD5-checksum and this is the only thing, which will be checked by RapidShare against their blacklist. The filename can stay the same and when a ‘troll’ has deleted only one file from a chain, you can add a zero to only this file and ReUp it without renaming. Of course, you must have archived your original RAR-files, otherwise this won’t help you. In case of another ‘troll’-attack, you simply add another zero. I made tests and even more than fifty added zeros hadn’t any influence of the functionality.
Answer #3
how to add those zeros?
Answer #4
You can manually add zero (s) to the RAR file name. I use a proggy which can be placed into the directory, where the RARs for modifying are located and with a simple double-click, the job will be done for all RAR-files in that directory. It can also be used for drag’n’drop mode. To avoid problems with ReadOnly or Hidden files, the prog now clears these attributs and therefore also modifies files, which where write-protected before (occurs mostly when they were copied from CD/DVD to harddisk).
Answer #5
sorry but you lost me, you’re talkin about adding a zero to the file name or to the MD5 checksum? can you give me an example? and the name of that proggy? thanks..
Answer #6
PM me and I’ll give you the download link to the proggy. I don’t want to post it because rapidshare might decide to circumvent it.


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