how do i intentionally damage an external harddrive?

August 7th, 2016

i dont want to create water damage or anything etc… i want to make it power intermittently etc
Answer #1
put a lower amp fuse in it so it keeps blowing.
Answer #2
I don’t know, nuking it seems like it might work…
Answer #3
Why on earth would you wanna do this?!?
Answer #4
Why on earth would you wanna do this?!?
maybe daddy didn’t buy him the new ps3 for chrissy-wissy and he wants to get daddy back…??
Answer #5
i want to make the data unreadable and if anyone connects to the computer, it doesnt work properly
i suppose i could drop it? but i dont want to break case
Answer #6
Some external hard drives run off a 9V charge… Well, my friends did anyway… He accidentally put his Laptop charger (which is 12V) into the external HDD power socket by mistake, and then once he realized that it was the wrong one, he tried the external hard drive normally, and it wouldn’t power on. So I guess that the 12V laptop charger fried it.
Maybe you could try that.
Answer #7
And this ext HDD belongs to you or someone else?
Why would you wanna make it unreadable?
Answer #8
Sounds like you wanna take it back to the shop and exchange under gaurentee cos you seen a better/cheaper one elsewhere lol
Fusing it is the way to go.
Answer #9
Just set it on fire if you want it not to work lol
Answer #10
There is your answer, lend it to James (^) he’s good at killing them.
Answer #11
Being that I don’t have one
Answer #12
Being that I don't have one
Probably for the best lol.
Answer #13
throw it from the window.
Answer #14
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