How do I add any image to mkv files?

August 7th, 2016

Hello there!
I’m looking for any easy way to add any image files to videos. I’m encoding 480p Tv shows and I want to add any image file at the end of every video as a signature.
Currently I’m using MeGUI. Is there any option in MeGUI for adding pictures to the videos?
I found some watermark softwares online too, but there is a huge loss in quality after using them.

Answer #1
Take any image and create a small video of it (capture a video of the picture on your screen using any video capture program like camtasia, bandicam with the same resolution as your video)- make sure to save it as an mp4 file.
It allows you to join two mp4 files without recoding among other features – it’s portable and free.
Join the two videos using the Join tab and voila – you have what you want.
Whoops – it is a setup but if you unpack the setup, it is portable. I have done this for you at:
If your video is mkv (as you stated), you can turn it into an mp4 files without recoding too using xmedia recode:
Drop in the mkv and choose mp4 as your output. Click video only and on the video tab choose copy. Add job (button on top bar). Do the same for audio – audio only, audio tab – copy. Add job again. This splits your mkv into a two files.
Use MP4Box’s main interface to put them back together and you know have an mp4 video without any recoding or quality loss.
Answer #2
Thanks mate!
Hope there is no loss in quality!
Answer #3
None – there is absolutely no recoding done this way.
Answer #4
What do you mean?
Answer #5
You get quality loss when the streams are recoded. The loss you saw results from recoding.
Using the method outlined, all that is happening is a “data copy” not a “conversion”. With the copy, you have the exact same quality as you had in the original video.
Answer #6
as u say u use megui, if u use “AviSynth script Creator” to load the video separately instead of auto encode, i guess u have some knowledge about avs scripts or its various filters.
whenever i got a problem using avs script, i comb through the “AviSynth Documentation” help files(in program files), u could also google “how to do these/that in avisynth script” and find some good results(preferably from “” or “”)
anyway, as i search for u- “how to”, i also learn some scripts >>
for signature, u have use the internal filter- “ImageSource”
for watermark, u have use the internal filter- “Overlay”
{^^ these page are served in the “AviSynth Documentation” help file too}
{internal filter means u dont have to install them. they are already installed when u install the AviSynth}
i guess in avs script there’s several ways to do a certain thing(like photoshop), so my way is not the only way, theres maybe easier ways..
signature>> ImageSource
Image=ImageSource("[image source]",fps=,start=0,end=[display time in second]*).Spline64Resize (,).ConvertToYV12

LoadPlugin("D:\Program Files\MeGUI\tools\avs\directshowsource.dll")
Video=DirectShowSource("E:\My Works\Entertainment\Music\Animé Music\Get Backers\_opening 27-49.rmvb",fps=30.000,audio=false)
Image=ImageSource("E:\storeroom\avatar and signatures\avatar1.jpg",fps=30,start=0,end=1*30).AddBorders(150,100,150,100).Spline64Resize (640,480).ConvertToYV12

watermark>> Overlay
Video=DirectShowSource("", fps=, audio=false)
Image2=ImageSource("[image source]", fps=,start=0,end=[display time in second]*).Spline64Resize ([logo width],[logo hight]).ConvertToYV12
overlay(Video,Image2,x=[positon in X], y=[positon in Y], mode="[mode]", opacity=[opacity/transparency value])

LoadPlugin("D:\Program Files\MeGUI\tools\avs\directshowsource.dll")
Video=DirectShowSource("E:\My Works\Entertainment\Music\Animé Music\Get Backers\_opening 27-49.rmvb", fps=30.000, audio=false)
Image2=ImageSource("E:\storeroom\avatar and signatures\avatar1.jpg", fps=30,start = 0, end = 1*30).AddBorders(10,10,10,10).Spline64Resize (60,60).ConvertToYV12
overlay(Video,Image2,x=540, y=380, mode="blend", opacity=0.25)

if u have problems, i could help u step by step


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