Host told me to upgrade 3.1 forum, need help

August 5th, 2016

I already tried to get help with this at the phpbb forum, but this was the only reply I got before the topic was locked:
“Sorry, but there is no support for boards with illegal content. Please contact me by PM if you need further information on this. Thanks.”
This is why I post it here instead: When I try to login to my admin panel I get a list of errors, and this is the reply from my host:
“Please upgrade your scripts and phpBB which is suitable with the PHP version 5.4.36 to fix this issue permanently.”
I have been updating my phpbb3 a few times, but I am not very comfortable with new things like this that I know nothing about really.
All kind of help here would be greatly appreciated, thank you.
As said, I can not login to the admin panel at the forum, but have ftp access.

Answer #1
What version of php are you currently running?
You should be able to get this from cpanel.
Answer #2
What version of php are you currently running?
You should be able to get this from cpanel.

Thank you for your concern. I don’t really know if this is what you mean:
“Database server: MySQL 5.5.40-cll Board version: 3.0.12”
All I know is that atm. everything is working just fine FOR NOW because my host moved my forum to the old system, but the best thing in the future would be to update, in order for my forum to continue to show up properly on peoples screens.
Answer #3
Nope… that is your database version. Need the php version you are on. The messages you are getting are likely caused by 3.1 needing a higher version of php than what you currently have. If you don’t know, call your host and tell them that you need to update your php to whatever 3.1 suggests. They will do this for you.


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