Help with Windows Server 2008

August 7th, 2016

Dear reader
I currently am busy with a school project on which we need to set up a file server in Windows 2008 with the correct users and folders. One of the tasks is to make Manager users and give them Admin rights on their category so they can make new users in it and GPO’s (i.e. The Sales_Manager needs to be able to add users to the Sales OU and also add GPO’s to it).
I’ve figured out how give a user Admin rights (Via GPO-editor -> Configuration -> Policies -> Windows settings -> Restricted groups) but I do not know how to set it for a specific OU.
Also, another task is that the users who are connected to a client have their Pictures and Videos located on the network and they are not able to change the location. How do I do this? I’ve been searching for it aswell on Google but I didn’t find a right match (if someone does, I’m sorry that I might have overlooked it)
Any help please?
Yours sincerely

Answer #1
Right Click on the sales OU and hit delegate control.
You can change the users home directory using the profiles tab in the users properties or use shlib to add a network location (preferably indexed) to the default library’s music documents etc
Answer #2
Thank you for the swift response!
However, regarding that last part: I forgot to add something: the Documents folder needs to be redirected and those 2 folders need to be placed on the H: directory.
I am aware you can change the path to H: in the profiles tab in the user’s properties, but does that mean that all those folders (Pictures, Videos, Documents) are automatically placed there?
This is what the assignment says: “Place the Documents folder of every user on the H: directory and redirected.”
“Make sure the Pictures and Video folders are on a location on the network”
“The users are not allowed to change these locations”
I basically only need the Pictures and Video folder on it and the Document folder needs to be redirected. (I guess the inability to change the locations is performed by using a GPO?)
Answer #3
Yeah folder redirection is another way of doing this
Old but it hasn’t changed much
Answer #4
Ok, thank you.
If I need any other help I’ll make sure to ask for it here!


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