Help Updating Laptops specs.

January 21st, 2020

Hello, I’ve been noticing my laptops usage being high alot of time its at 100% usage… Im worried this might not be healthy for my pc. I was thinking do I need update a new RAM chip? Or somthing?? Any suggestions will help!
Cpu usage always is near 100%
phyisical memory has only little free.(total 2047, cached 663 avalibe 641,free 3%
my pc is a Compaq nx9420 windows 7. Thanks,

Answer #1
100% CPU usage usually indicates that something is running that shouldn’t be – maybe a virus.
If you could run this free program from MS that shows everything that is running on your system. This is a good starting point.
Answer #2
Im still confused, but trying figure it out.
add my facebook if you will please it easyer ask qeastions there…
thats my url or name is Demetri Lee Amir
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Answer #3
Also look out for AV Auto Scan in progress…always takes up system resources.
Answer #4
100% CPU usage usually indicates that something is running that shouldn't be - maybe a virus.
If you could run this free program from MS that shows everything that is running on your system. This is a good starting point.

That was my immediate thought too – the memory usage indicates some form of trojan or keylogger too (If my memory serves, they log to memory then either send it to an IP or save to a file).
The one you mentioned is good, but you need to know what programs are genuine and what are not
Autoruns is also good but need the same understanding as above.
(( System internals carries a LOT of extremely useful tools (and I have to give MS credit here for keeping it semi-separate from their main junk after they took it over). ))
Malwarebytes – check for trojans and stuff.
If you are unsure of what things are in the lists each program gives, you can either Google the program names or post the list here (or a screen-shot of the program) and we’ll help.
Answer #5
While your laptop may be fairly old, its resources should not be maxed out when idle on windows
Either you have just a plethora of background programs, that start with your computer Or
You have some form of virus or malware
Answer #6
You could run with a clean boot to see how it behaves without all your usual start up stuff..
If after cleaning up your act, you do a lot of memory intensive stuff, you can replace your memory sticks
with 2 x 2GB ones as shown in the document.
But, as it says, to get more than about 3GB usable, you need a 64 bit Windows..


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