Help rapidshare account

August 7th, 2016

hi all i am wondering what i need to do some one has got hold of my rapidshare details and took my account. i am just wondering what i need to do

Answer #1
if you have the account, just change the pass.
if you haven’t the account anymore,e-mail rapidshare support.
Answer #2
when i log in it says account found but wrong password and when i try and recover it it says my email address is not on the records :S
Answer #3
you will e-mail them.
you will say that someone stole your account.
in their database they have all e-mails and they know exactly what happening.
this is the only way.
Answer #4
ok i emailed them but have yet to have a reply does anyone think i will get my account back? cause i cant download anything at the moment
Answer #5
yes but u have to fetch all the account details
mail them from the email address that u provided at the time of registration.
with paypal transiction id.
then i m sure u will get u account back.
Answer #6
yeah dude thats what i did hope fully i will get an email soon


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