Help Quick, i wanting to upload a movie to MS for free users

August 4th, 2016

Got a movie that RS and MU keep deleting MS lasts a little longer
if i upload so free users can download from MegaShares ,whats the limit?
i heard it was 400mb a free passport but now im hearing 250MB
please any help appreciated

Answer #1
Welcome to Megashares
Companies and webmasters, this is your link hosting site. Our single session upload limit is 10GB (10,000 Megabytes!). This can be a single file up to 10GB, multiple files or a folder using our browser based custom uploader.

Answer #2
The passports are 500mb
Answer #3
With RS AND MU if you name the movie different it won’t be takin down
you have Dark Knight your uploading don’t name it dark knight.. Name it an animal or something or DK
Answer #4
^ It will be. Those things dont work anymore, and, if a file is reported, it will be taken off no matter how fancy the file name is or how long the password is.


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