Help please to have best app to learn Chess

August 4th, 2016

hi all,
please suggest me app to learn chess from beginner to expert ( for PC or Android offline ) like any play & learn approach.
best regards

Answer #1
Check out the site:
They have howto videos, tactics trainers etc, all you really need. + the most important thing being a free online chess community where you battle opponents in the type of game you wish. (Type of game I mean a lot of people play speed chess, so really the first person to run out of time losses.. But what I enjoy is mostly 10 minutes a side a game..)
Its as easy as making an account with them, to play multiplayer chess, or just click the howto links, but the most important way to learn is to also play vs people a number of times a week…
Edit: didnt notice the offline mention browsing over your question.. The site is obviously online..
Answer #2
their site is great, so is the youtube channel, and the app on smartphones is great too.
if you are on android, i really liked the cloudroid chess app. i havent had droid in years, but i enjoyed playing online with it alot better than chess dot com app
Answer #3
Check out the site:
They have howto videos, tactics trainers etc, all you really need. + the most important thing being a free online chess community where you battle opponents in the type of game you wish. (Type of game I mean a lot of people play speed chess, so really the first person to run out of time losses.. But what I enjoy is mostly 10 minutes a side a game..)
Its as easy as making an account with them, to play multiplayer chess, or just click the howto links, but the most important way to learn is to also play vs people a number of times a week...
Edit: didnt notice the offline mention browsing over your question.. The site is obviously online..
their site is great, so is the youtube channel, and the app on smartphones is great too.
if you are on android, i really liked the cloudroid chess app. i havent had droid in years, but i enjoyed playing online with it alot better than chess dot com app

thank you for your reply, i will start with Learn Chess and Play vs. Computer, if there is any offline app/game of this kind, please inform me.


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