Help please
January 28th, 2020
Turn your computer on with Safe mode enabled. You can access it by hitting the F8 key upon startup and choosing Safe Mode from the task list that appears. See if this helps you log into your OS. Also, hit F8 on startup and try starting the computer with the last known good configuration. See if any of those methods change anything for you. Good luck mate ^_^
i cant log on to do any of that
I edited my post above. I didn’t understand you at first
Thx ill try that
no luck if it helps i was trying to install windows blinds and it had to change some SID or sumthing like that then rebooted and i could no longer log in
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*Face Palm* That was a mistake you shouldn’t have made mate, but what can I say, we need to learn from our mistakes. Anyway, if you have a Windows disk you can boot from it and try to repair install. Maybe, in the recovery console you should try typing in “sfc /scannow” but I’m not sure if anything will work. Only method that I’m sure will work is reinstalling a clean copy of Windows. I’m sorry mate :<
noooooooo i guess that means a whole lot more zzin
Still im not giving up yet ill see what i can do with the windowd disk
Boot from the Windows disk and click on R when the option appears. You will be lead to the recovery console where you can try to fix your computer a little
Good luck mate ^_^
cool ill give that a try thx for all the help
is there any way i could do a system restore to an earlyer time…
Well, there is a program that might help you, it’s called newSID and it will generate a new SID for you. However, I’m pretty sure you need to be logged onto your account to perform any changes. Maybe someone else might be able to come up with something to help you. Good luck mate ^_^
Maybe this can help you:
You won’t lose any programs or data so don’t worry. Just make sure you read everything and run through all the steps. Best of luck.
ll give that ago tomorrow thx