help needed with vista x64

July 31st, 2016

whenever i install vista-x64 oem,it is asking to format all the pc……can anyone please tell me how to install vista,without formating entire pc…
advanced thanks

Answer #1
You need to format a single partition, not the entire PC (at least I don’t think so). If you have only one partition I would suggest splitting it. If you split it create a ~20GB partition to Install Vista on and that’s it. You can download Hiren’s BootCD and boot from it. Then use the partitioning tools there to split a partition. Good luck mate ^_^
Answer #2
i am new to this hiren’s boot cd…can anyone suggest me will retail version help me???or any other suggestions……
Answer #3
i am new to this hiren's boot cd...can anyone suggest me will retail version help me???or any other suggestions......
You need to format a partition one way or the other. Getting a retail version will change nothing mate. What does Windows say when you try to install it? Does it tell you to choose which partition to install to and then tells you to format it?
Answer #4
You are probably going from 32bit to 64bit? 64bit requires are format, create a partition like said.


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