[Help needed] I’m gonna purchase a new PC

August 7th, 2016

Guys, would you please take a look at this hardware list and check if they are good stuff?
I’m not gonna use this PC for gaming, but I’ll watch movies.
Also because of my type of job, I’ll keep this PC turned ON for weeks, maybe…
so I need one to be able to pass my requirements.
main: ASUS M4N78 SE
cpu: AMD Phenom 9550
ram: 2 GB
hdd: Western Digital 1 TB
vga: NVIDIA GeForce 8400 GS DDR2 512 MB
Please help me and offer whatever you think it would be better.
P.S. well, of course I have a limited budget for this

Answer #1
looks good enough to me if you aren’t playing any intense games. i wouldn’t know anything about leaving it on though.
Answer #2
what exactly is your budget? for gaming & other you’re better of with a better graca. try getting a 9800GT at least. for a quick link.
as for the rest, I’ve did a quick search & couldn’t find your exact mobo. the closest I found was the pro edition which was about 100$ there.
for about the same money as your cpu + mobo you can also go for:
also a very good combination for gaming, especially if you can overclock it a bit. seeing what you’re gonna use it for I doubt you’ll need a quad core(+ dual core still has some advantages for games) since not a lot of programs can actually use 4 cores.
if you really wanna stay AMD then you can keep what you have though.
with those changes you might get above your budget, but at least for the graca you’ll need something better.
Answer #3
i’ll say u should add one more GB to ur RAM.. just to make it future proof
Answer #4
I’d go for an intel build, but other than that I’d go for 4gb of ram. What is your budget, I can outline a very nice build that way.
Answer #5
Yes, see if you can afford that 9800GT card..
Answer #6
hey thanks for replies, kind of you
well I can spend about 420$ for this ( i don’t need monitor, dvd rw, modem, keyboard, etc )
thanks in advance , regards.
Answer #7
gonna send you a pm with what i’ve found cause I don’t know what you’ve laying arround there.


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