Help me with choosing a monitor

September 27th, 2013

I can’t decide as to which one of these two I should get.
Read some reviews of it and people doesn’t seem to be quite happy with it.
It looks great to me though.
Dell doesn’t look as good as Samsung but I was just wondering what if its better in quality than Samsung.
There is around 70$ difference between the price of these two which is no big deal, I just want good quality.
Samsung SA24A350H offers 2 MS response time whereas Dell ST2420 has typical 5 MS response time.
Any help or advice would very much be appreciated.

Answer #1
When looking at Dell screens look at the “ultrasharp” series of screens.
Dell U2312HM would be a good buy.
When buying a monitor the most important thing is the panel technology used.
TN screens are the cheapest lowest end of monitors but make up the vast majority of screens out there right now.
You should make the topic in the helpdesk if you want better advice.
In offtopic these threads tend to get flooded with people who don’t actually know alot about monitors etc and it’s hard for you to pick out the informed good information from the “always buy samsung” or whatever crowd who don’t really have a clue.
Both screens you are looking at use TN panels and if you want quality..they are not it.
EDIT: Also thought it best to add that response times stated are useless.
There is no industry standard for this and that could be any grey to any grey even the exact same shade.
The only company i know off that uses a fixed measurement for response times always the same test is Dell.
EDIT 2: If the Dell U2312HM is out of your price range then some other cheaper E-IPS panel screens that should fit your budget and still blow away any TN monitor are the LG IPS231P or failing that the 23″ LG IPS235V is almost as good as the other LG.
Answer #2


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