Help me for script Contact Form….and Captcha

February 3rd, 2020

I’ve two problems:
1)How to use the script mail correctly? Witch is the script to add in my files?
2) It’s possible to add the captcha or antispam in this file…and where to add???
Can you help me, please???
Link my script_mail:
http://~ Dead file host ~/files/248585733/script_mail.rar
ThanxZ, !

Answer #1
Well, no ones gonna download it and look at it just for you, it would just be easier to give you a link to another contact form.
What type of site is it? html, php (joomla, wordpress, etc.) and I can recommend a free contact form for you.
Answer #2
Basically, if you can’t figure out how to use this script, (I haven’t seen it, i’m just talking based on actuality) delving into the CAPTCHA side of it would be even harder.
I agree with , you’re probably better off using a pre-made contact form (free or “free”) that includes a CAPTCHA feature in it and should guide you through installing it, then just use that until you get yours working, or just use it permanently.
Answer #3
This script i would to use in a free website, (no cms)!
It’s possible to modify it for my free website??
If it not possible ……eventually, do you link me some free script for contact form with captha?
ThankZ, !


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