Help me find (a old) pc game!

November 20th, 2013

Hey guys.
So there is a game, which i played around 5-6 years ago, but the game itself is even older. And i hope you guys could help me to find it again.
Well, what i know:

    1. The game’s name was something like “Ghost”. I remember that I had a CD with Ghost written on it.
    2. I played it on CD. It was a adventure and a click and point. I do think, that it was 3D, but not 3rd or 1st perspective.
    3. It was a dark and creepy world. Night. Horror! I remember a raven, who wanted to follow me, and i could kill him, when i brang him to a caravan. There was a carousel, too.
    4. To finish the game, you needed to collect stars or something. You got those for finishing quests. I remember, that you got to the endboss by traveling on rails, in a wagon. And it was easier to get to the boss if you finished more quests!

I know its unlikely, that someone knows what the name of this game is.
Thanks anyway
Answer #1
Ghost Master?
Answer #2
Shah_Jahan replied: Ghost Master?

awww, you are very close, but its not this game!
it happened in the nature, at night, just like a real horror movie!
and it was more like a point&click, so..
Thanks though!
Answer #3
Ask here.


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