Help for HDD

January 20th, 2020

is there anyway i can still use my hard disk that i put on my ps3?i try to put it on my laptop but the hard drive can’t be detected
Answer #1
If you got it connected, go to Start, Right Click on Computer, and click on Manage. Next click on Disk management. There should be multiple disks there. One for your DVD-Player, one or more for your hard drives. And then there should be one without a letter assigned. This would be the PS3 HDD. Right click on the right part (probraly it has a blue bar on top). Right click that part, and press ‘Remove Volume’. Next the Disk will have lost all of it’s data, and you can create a new normal partition. To do this, right click on any of the unallocated (black bar on top), and press “Create new Simple volume”. Walk through the wizard, and it should be working as a normal HDD again.
This does require you to be able into Windows. If you can not, look for a PE version of Windows, which you can boot of CD/USB. Or look for a Hiren’s boot CD (I prefer version 10.6), which also has a version of Windows with it. Newer version do not.
Answer #2
thanks man i will try this later


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