hel||cant format my external hard drive

February 9th, 2020

please help i have a western digital drive that crashed like 3 days ago and now i’m trying to format it,
every time i start formating it threw my computer it gets stuck and doesn’t move
please if someone can help maybe give me a good program to solve the problem or maybe its something i need to do with the hard drive
thx from advance

Answer #1
Maybe the Hard Drive is physically goosed and needs replacing. You could try a program called Swissknife. It let’s you format external drives over the 32GB limit.
Answer #2
Yea..Sounds like bad sectors in the HD..
Hiren’s BootCD > Hard Disk Tools > HDD Regenerator
Answer #3
srry tried wont do everything i even took it to a pc store to fix they said you need something special to buy t\for the drive what ever ill just buy a new on,be carful next time
thx for your help


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