Guide me

August 9th, 2013

I am in final year and we have a subject choice to make after that i wish to pursue masters
I have following subjects and have to select any one.
1) Artificial Intelligence
2) Service Oriented Computing
3) Advance Computer Networks
Which i do select for better future.?
I need serious help every where it is that networking has less scope than programming(I know Java) and all ,networking can be done by any non engineer by doing certification courses and all and i want master in something only for computer engineer.
In what i pursue master please seriously help me i am in need of serious help.
And help me to decide to select subject from above.Look at the below link for syllabus and suggest me
It is like Advance Computer Network can be done by any non engineer and every one with no Computer Engineering degree can do it ,i want something that is for Computer Engineer
Service Oriented Computing Sounds good but not sure of the future job prospects and also for masters.
Artificial Intelligence i am not sure of it.
Link(s) coded. ~ figjam

Answer #1
According To Me, You Should Study On Advance Computer Networks,,, Tt Have A Great Scope For Future….
Answer #2
Answer #3

1) Artificial Intelligence
Seems to be a more abstract area.If you like that I think it would make a fine choice.
Answer #4
I’m myself a Btech student in IT i would suggest u go for Advanced Computer Networks. As they fall under a big category area which needs more technical changes in future.
All the best!
Answer #5
Thank you very much guys
Answer #6
Very tough choice to make.
If by a better future you mean $€£ then 3 is probably the best (although 2 comes close).
To be honest though, as long as you have an IT diploma it doesn’t matter that much to most companies. Most of them are restructuring and whatnot (economical crisis and all that) and are heavily investing in IT Techs. And since the demand is higher than the supply .. (although more and more people get into the IT sector).
I, personally, steer toward Databases.
Answer #7
I say artificial intelligence. There’s more money potential in artificial intelligence than anything else going on now. Now we have computer networking/information technology and they’re the best things to know. But artificial intelligence is the thing of the future. Not now, but ten years from now.
Answer #8
Advanced Computer Networks.
Answer #9
LedAstray replied: I say artificial intelligence. There's more money potential in artificial intelligence than anything else going on now. Now we have computer networking/information technology and they're the best things to know. But artificial intelligence is the thing of the future. Not now, but ten years from now.
I totally agree but if the OP gets his diploma within a year or two he’s much better off climbing the ladder on the other 2.
Answer #10
Its all a matter of what you enjoy most. You shouldnt pursue a job that you will hate and find boring down the track, or you will end up looking for a different field of work.
You personally have to think about what you want to do and enjoy doing, and you will know exactly what you want to pursue in.
Answer #11
thanks for replies will look ahead for acn may be ..


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