good dbz community?

August 6th, 2016

Hi all. I am wondering if anyone here knows if there are still any good FBZ communities that people talk about DBZ and know about maybe the new movie coming out (out in Japan already in theaters I think) and the new episodes that were said to be also coming out? I am a big fan for many years and am supper excited to see these new things happening. Of course it could all just be a troll, but I do want to find out.
So if anyone knows if a good active community for DBZ and would like to share it, that would be awesome.

Answer #1
DBZ; Dragon Ball Z? Used to watch it when I was a kid, never missed an episode.
Answer #2
“…… know about maybe the new movie coming out…….”
You mean Battle of Gods…..
It is out, you can download it with great quality.
I heard that there is something about DBZ: Reboot, something like that.
It is DBZ actually but modified a little….
Didn’t like what did I read.
But I didn’t see any good source about it….and Once, If it is out then will check it out, for now it is just some kind of rumors….
Anyway, I still have all from Dragon Ball on my PC, all 508 episodes including movies….
What you wanna talk about.
Answer #3
The new movie you mention is called Battle Of the Gods the DVD came out in Japan earlier this month and a copy of the film is available online in subs.
There is no new series of Dragonball Z on the plans that we know about, there is a series called Dragonball Kai, which at the moment lasts till the Cell saga, its basically a edited version of Dragonball Z, the Buu saga will be coming out in the future.
As for the website you mentioned the best website out there for DBZ is
Answer #4
Thanks I will give the website a try… And I downloaded the movie, I hope its as awesome as I think it will be
Answer #5
Anyway, I still have all from Dragon Ball on my PC, all 508 episodes including movies.... All 508? Drool! As a fan of the first hour I still tend to stick with the original first series. DBZ was allright as well, but I must admit I had mixed feelings about the things that followed. I have the manga collection and it stops after the story with Boo. I’ve been able to live with it, even thinking all good things must come to an end, that’s why, like I said before, I have mixed feelings about the saga continueing or perhaps even being a bit milked out. But I certainly wouldn’t have thought that some 30 years after it’s birth, it would still be so popular. Maybe I’ll give that site a try… Thanks!
Answer #6
Yeah, all 508 – 153 from DB, 291 from DBZ and 64 from DBGT…..
I only know dragon ball for maybe 15 years when first time started to show up on our TVs in my country….
Maybe it is maybe it isn’t popular, but I like it anyway…..
Movie isn’t bad, it could be a longer movie, somehow it was a little too short IMO…..
Anyway, I don’t believe it was the “last” DB movie…..there will be another one I’m sure…..
Answer #7
Oh well, maybe I’m exaggerating a little, fan of the first hour when they first aired it in Europe around the mid-eighties. Thank you France and Club Doroth�e! I’ve seen a few DBGT, but I had a bit of a meh feeling. Maybe I’m involved with the wrong crowd in the sense that some way or another pirates are more susceptible to anime, but if so many people still talk about it 30 years later I’d say it’s still darn popular! Seen the movie too, but I get your point about being not long enough, had the feeling almost nothing happened…


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