GIF Wallpaper

August 5th, 2016

i need this wallpaper or a short vedio clip to use as my wallpaper
it is the “matrix” code as seen at 2:50 in this vid
anyone seen or got it?

Answer #1
btw i can offer some game keys if someone can provide
Please do not double post, use the edit button next time. Thank you. -Yawn.
Answer #2
OMG! I used to have a matrix wallpaper and heaps other animated ones, no lag not slowing PC down but they were high quality and non stop animation on them of Matrix … wait I cannot remember the website i’ve been looking for that for ages!
I still love the HOT Wallpaper xD
Answer #3
lol i just stole that one off /b/ but i cant fins matrix
Answer #4
try searching.
cant tell if its exactly the same, low quality youtube video.
Answer #5
naa its not really
and i was looking for more of a GIF or little movie that i can use in Dreamscene
but thanks anyway
Answer #6
Answer #7
got any higher res?
Answer #8
Answer #9

Seanbond wrote: Select all

got any higher res?
what resolution?
Answer #10
like 1280 x 1024 or something?
np if you dont